Update 3: some minor improvements have been made but the links to original articles still dont work and the developers are still only interested in $$. The app is very advertising heavy and additional pleas for donations are annoying. The story headlines are nearly always sensational (the world is ending tomorrow!) and just designed as "click and bait" for additional ad $$. I currently have notifications turned on (the sensationalism is hilarious) was rarely ever click through. Dont waste your time with this nonsense...
Update: this app was so bad (and advertising $$ greedy) that I deleted it even after patiently waiting 6-months for some improvements. Now I reinstalled it and am giving you another chance to see if youre going to take user complaints seriously...
Old Review:
This app has so many bugs its impossible to use efficiently. The "read more" links DoNT function properly (they dont want you ever leaving the app, clearly). Sharing articles is so cumbersome its useless. Push notifications feed off FAR right sensationalism. -->
Worse is, there is constant begging to contribute money "in order to keep the app up and running"... even though the app is 3/4 ADVERTISING to begin with!
refocus today! about newsworthies